AARNet Networkshop '92
AARNet (Australian Academic and Research Network) supported an annual national conference for university networking staff during the early 1990's. These conferences were run by a different host university each year, and in 1992 it was UQ's chance.
Simon Hackett & Mark Prior
Simon Hackett & Mark Prior
Abel Smith Lecture Theatre
Abel Smith Lecture Theatre, John Noad arising from his seat
Abel Smith Lecture Theatre, Alan Agnew, John Dunsdon, Rod Ibell centre
Abel Smith Lecture Theatre, Kim Hosking at the camera controls
Conference registration area
Help Desk, Yamini Selvamanicam at left
Vendor stands, Ken Day & Laurie Barram at left
AARNet stand. David Baldwyn, Gordon Smith with back to camera
Terminal Lab area. Note Geoff Huston at right
Terminal Lab area
Terminal Lab area
John Mann doing e-mails
Vendor stands
John Quinn at left, Laurie Barram at right
Vanessa Thomas
Social function
Alisa Broughton, Max Norris, David Vu, Andrew Broughton at right
Geoff Huston in foreground, Danny Smith at right
Derek Fielding, Heather Hands, Sue Dengate
Geoff Dengate, unknown, Joyce Reynolds
Social event