UQ Museum of IT


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UQCC ComputerVision System_29 UQCC Construction_30 UQCC Cray Y-MP Installation UQCC Cray Y-MP Processor Backplane UQCC Cray Y-MP Processor Boards
UQCC ComputerVision System_29.jpg UQCC Construction_30.jpg UQCC Cray Y-MP Installation.jpg UQCC Cray Y-MP Processor Backplane.jpg UQCC Cray Y-MP Processor Boards.jpg
UQCC Directors 1977 UQCC First Ethernet_31 UQCC GE Overview_32 UQCC KL-10 Overview UQCC Marg Vidler
UQCC Directors 1977.jpg UQCC First Ethernet_31.jpg UQCC GE Overview_32.jpg UQCC KL-10 Overview.jpg UQCC Marg Vidler.jpg
UQCC Model UQCC Network Area UQCC PDP-10 with GE-225 UQCC PDP-11 Workshop UQCC RC10 Fixed Head Disks_33
UQCC Model.jpg UQCC Network Area.jpg UQCC PDP-10 with GE-225.jpg UQCC PDP-11 Workshop.jpg UQCC RC10 Fixed Head Disks_33.jpg